You can’t do a supernatural task with only natural resources.

Want to help teachers avoid burnout, cynicism and exhaustion?

How can every Catholic teacher live their vocation more fully, share the faith with young people and a make a difference in the world?

Help Your Staff Beat Burnout, Become Saints And Save The World!

Join 400 Schools From Around The World

It’s been a pleasure for the Diocese of Palm Beach to be associated with the Going Deeper program for the last five years. Our teachers have grown in their knowledge of the faith and in their own faith journeys through the Going Deeper weekly messages delivered by Jonathan and his wife Karen. In addition, Jonathan has come to our diocese twice to keynote professional in-service days for our faculty and administrators. Jonathan lives what he speaks and his personal witness and journey enhance his powerful message that we are supported in our efforts through our faith. Our faith gives us the strength and wisdom to provide children with what they need from a Catholic school. Teachers leave his presentations inspired and equipped with the Tools and Fuels they need to create faith-filled classrooms.
Gary Gelo
Superintendent of Schools
Diocese of Palm Beach

What Is Going Deeper?

Going Deeper is a weekly online staff formation program in Catholic identity and Catholic teaching on education. It inspires, educates and challenges every Catholic teacher to deepen in their personal faith and knowledge of Catholic teaching so they can fulfil their noble vocation within the great mission of Catholic education.

The Catholic Church has the greatest product in the world with the worst marketing department! There is such a great treasure for the world within the faith but often it fails to be heard.

In our Catholic schools there are so many of what Pope John Paul II called, ‘…people of goodwill.’ There are so many teachers who are open to supporting the Church’s mission in the world but have never been given the formation they need. How can they teach and share what they have never received? 

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Sample of Content



Weekly MP3


Personal Journal


Staff Discussion And Prayer

Participating as a whole school staff with the Going Deeper program has given us all a common starting point for discussion and the sharing of our faith. We have learned about and been supported in our beliefs that we are vital to the development of those children in our care; spiritually, emotionally, physically and academically. I would recommend this program highly as a wonderful addition to any schools prayer/faith life.
Terese Wandek
Our Lady Of Grace School
Our staff have gathered to watch our last session as a group for the year. I would like to pass on our thanks to you and your team for the Going Deeper programme.

It’s a big success from our point of view and has helped us refine, rethink and renew.

Great growth in understandings, teachings and faith for individuals as well as the group.

Danielle Colvert (Principal)
Good Shepherd School Beverley Hills California

What Do You Get?

Every Monday you receive a new online formation video.

Download a weekly PDF personal journal for reflection and deeper learning.

Weekly PDF Staff Discussion and Prayer Journal

Every school is so busy. Video content is super quick, engaging and flexible.

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Holy Cross Catholic School, Henderson is certainly among your No. 1 fans for the GOING DEEPER online faith formation for teachers in Catholic Schools. I know the Holy Spirit certainly has a hand in directing you to us.

We use GOING DEEPER every Monday morning at 8.00 am for our Staff prayer, reflection and weekly guidance before we begin our Admin meeting. It forms a very important part of our spiritual weekly faith walk.

Thank you again for all the work that you do to evangelise to us the Good News of Jesus Christ. We will continue to pray for you and your family in your ministry.

Barbara Stepanic
Director of Religious Studies

Sample of Content



Weekly MP3


Personal Journal


Staff Discussion And Prayer

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What an answer to prayer Going Deeper is! A product of Catholic School education my whole life, for the first time I find myself really reflecting on the mission of a Catholic School. I am so grateful for the reminder that we are living out our calling and vocation as Catholic educators. I have benefited tremendously from the emphasis on making time for personal prayer and silence.
Gemma Ward
St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic School
We began using the program a year ago January, after you spoke at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’s Principals Meeting.

It is changing our faculty. It gives us time to discuss our faith, and it helps us bring the new teachers into the fold and help them understand our mission.

Dr. Linda Wiley
Holy Trinity School
Love the program.

It gets to the real meaning of our faith in language that just makes sense.

This provides the opportunity to share, reflect or just sit individually with it.

Staff love it!

Thank you.

Gwen McDermott
Principal St. Joseph’s School

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Going Deeper Take Each Week?
In terms of how much time is involved each week it can be as much or as little as you wish.

Each weekly video is about 5 minutes long but comes with personal refection journals so that people can sit with the content and explore it more deeply.

Many schools use the weekly video and staff discussion and prayer guide to start the weekly staff meeting. So, in summary your staff can do as little as 5 minutes per week over 40 weeks, adding up to about 3.5 hours per year or they could choose to do a little more time each week using the reflection guides.

Perhaps you are asking this question with reference to accreditation or maybe in terms of the busyness of school life. Either way the program will work. It can be a quick weekly ‘shot in the arm’ or a deeper more reflective process linked to accreditation outcomes.

Can We Trial Going Deeper?
Absolutely. You can take a free trial of content for three weeks. Just CLICK HERE
Does your program have an Imprimatur or endorsement from my diocese?
Now that the program is in hundreds of schools around the world we have not tried to match the content to the exact curriculum frameworks of multiple dioceses.

What we can tell you is that you are on very safe ground with the content. It was developed from extensive post-graduate study and is completely supportive of authentic and orthodox Catholic teaching. All content is drawn directly from Church documents.

What Is Each Module About?
In terms of the title of the modules, we simply follow the core Church documents on Catholic education. So the titles are related to key themes in those documents each week. Every week we aim to simply ensure the content is consistently relevant to teachers as you can see from the samples. Usually, when people ask this question it is geared to knowing that the content is authentically Catholic and engaging. You are on very safe grounds on both counts.
We don't have a credit card can we pay by cheque?
Unfortunately, we don’t accept cheques. We now have hundreds of schools with us from around the world and you can imagine the issues involved in accepting cheques in multiple currencies etc. We are also taxed heavily and charged extra bank fees for any transfer costs on a cheque as well.

Our standard advice is not an ideal solution but it’s the best we can offer at the moment. That advice is simply that someone at your school places the order on their personal card and then is immediately reimbursed by the school. We know it’s not ideal but it always works out as the best solution.

We generate two receipts at the moment of purchase so either of those can be given to the school bursar or accounts people for an immediate refund.

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Make Contact Easily

Hi, I’m Jonathan Doyle, founder of Going Deeper. We’d love to help answer any questions you have that are not answered here. Please email us at and we will get back to you in rapid time.

Start Your Free Trial Now

Help Your Staff Beat Burnout, Become Saints And Save The World!

Join 400 Schools From Around The World

What are Other Teachers Saying?

If I could find a way, Going Deeper would be required for the 208 elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The schools that do use this exciting, relevant program give nothing by positive reviews. What a blessing for principals and pastors to be able to provide quick, witty, and authentic faith formation, geared precisely for Catholic school faculties in the comfort of the school each week of the school year!

Ms. Carmen J. Vadillo-Garcia
Assistant Superintendent,
Archdiocese of Los Angeles

The “Going Deeper” program is a gold mine for staff who are in need of nuggets of formation each week. Each session is easy to engage in with reflection sheets that allow all participants to use as much or as little as they like.

The program is also valuable for middle leaders who are required to generate PD / accreditation material. Each week the material can be used as a precursor or focal point for RE based sessions.

Paul Rayner
AP Mission and Staff Wellbeing,
St. Mary’s Catholic College

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the wonderful “Going Deeper” resource. I and a number of teachers have found it most helpful and so easy to use. It is easy to forget what our core purpose is when we are faced with so much to do in our busy schools. Your resources are easy to access and clear in their message which is just what we all need from time to time.

 Steve Casni
Director of Mission,
St. Dominic’s College

Wow!! I am impressed!! Today I was in the city for a PD on Prayer, but I emailed ALL staff with the link last night and allocated our Curriculum co-ordinator to present the video and Journal Reflection task tonight at our Staff Meeting.

Our Principal also endorsed the program and encouraged everyone to participate fully. I left a personal folder for each staff member to store reflections in as they work through videos. Tonight I have spoken to a staff member who said it all went well and was a good video; not heavy, confronting or demanding, but very thought provoking.

So your good news is fantastic, as that was the main concern at our end. Many thanks for your constant contact and assistance. Looking forward to seeing how this all goes, and the impact it has on our staff. I will monitor it closely and send you any feedback.

Eileen White
St. Joseph’s School

We have been using this amazing resource since its beginning and have found it to be a real gem. Each week is concise and encouraging. Ever aware of the demands of our time, Jonathan and Karen invite us to go deeper with the various dimensions of a Catholic Education in the 21st century. The added advantage is the additional mp3 file, the personal journal and the staff discussion PDF that are an integral part of each week’s edition. Already, we have found it to be a great tool for bringing a common vision and purpose that enhance our Religious Studies Department. Whether you have a little spare time or a lot, you won’t be disappointed with this resource. Top marks to Jonathan and the team at Going Deeper.

Rev Father John Greally
St. Partrick’s College

Our staff have gathered to watch our last session as a group for the year.
I would like to pass on our thanks to you and your team for the Going Deeper programme.

It’s a big success from our point of view and has helped us refine, rethink and renew.

Great growth in understandings, teachings and faith for individuals as well as the group.

Detta Fairweather
Director of Religious Studies NZ

Following on from our Diocesan wide, staff faith enrichment event, the timing of Going Deeper could not be more profound or relevant for our staff. For too long, teachers of all subjects within Catholic schools have felt the need to leave the hard questions posed by inquisitive students to “Religion” teachers. In a Catholic school, we are all called to be Witnesses to the faith and hence should all be such teachers. What Jonathan and Karen have compiled here is a succinct, engaging and thorough package that arms all teaching and ancillary staff in our schools with the necessary knowledge and confidence to answer those questions and provides the opportunity to enhance their own faith formation. Thanks!

 Scott Thomson
Assistant Principal,
St. Mary’s Catholic College

Each week’s topic is presented in a thought-provoking, yet easy to access format. The video is accompanied by a reflection page that allows you to go further with your thinking. It has become a pivotal part of our on-going staff formation in preparation for a much bigger school catholic audit we will conduct over the next year.

 Michael O’Brien
Vice Rector (Formation) Padua College

“We committed to ‘Going Deeper’ within our Catholic Identity Team meetings to further enhance the capacity to engage in authentic dialogue to assist in exemplary planned and purposefully contemporary learning within Religious Education thus nurture strong Catholic identity.” The resource is rich and relevant in its design and very accessible to team members on a weekly basis.

 Anne Berradinelli
Thomas Carr College

We use going deeper as re pd before our professional development meetings each week. They are perfect for keeping the special character of our school in the forefront of our minds.

Thank you

Suzanne Downey
St. Joseph’s School New Zealand

The series is so accessible – brief, a couple of key points made …

The reflection sheets are a wonderful way to take one’s thinking a bit further.

I particularly liked last week’s challenge of taking time out in a sacred space – a lovely invitation during Lent. Thank you for this resource – you have filled a void.

Mark Oski
De La Salle College

I find your video series excellent. They present solid theology and follow a progression of ideas that I find logical and important. I am very happy with the material I’ve seen thus far….keep spreading God’s word!

Deacon Harrold Salahubb
Prince Albert Catholic School Division

Just sitting here as a management team talking about how wonderful the resource is. Great presenting and very engaging.

We have found that starting with the reflection then clip and then reflecting again is what works for us.

Annette Woodnut
St. Ignatius School New Zealand

Yes all going well! All the staff members have been issued with folders to put their staff reflection and personal reflection sheets in. We are doing the ‘Going Deeper’ programme every Monday and it forms the basis of our staff prayer time together. This used to be 15 mins but we have allocated an extra 15 minutes so that we can get through all the discussion the programme seems to engender.

Last week we were still there 45 mins later!! We have decided to set aside an additional meeting once a month to make sure that we can fully discuss the issues raised. This is no hardship for us – we are all enjoying having the chance to explore our faith in greater depth than in the past.

Thank you for all the work you have done in putting the programme together – I sense it is going to be one of the most fruitful and relevant PD programmes we have done together as a staff.

Jane Reddish
Principal, St. Pius School

The Going Deeper staff program has been an invaluable asset to not only our Religious Education department, but also to our wider staff. It has a variety of uses and has allowed the staff at the college to engage in the important discussions around our central role as Catholic school educators. The short clips, prayer and journal options allow a range of resources and strategies to be used. A great program and one that is being well received amongst our staff.

 Aaron McDonald
St. Paul’s College

We use the Going Deeper videos at our weekly staff meetings. The short clips engaging and informative. The content explored on these clips would usually only be covered through tertiary studies or PD days. The fact that we hear and discuss ideas such as Catholic teaching as a vocation on a weekly basis serves to raise our awareness of the great privilege and responsibility we have been given as Catholic school teachers.

Luke Wilson
St. Mary’s Primary

Hello Jonathan, this week’s video and reflection questions were just right for our staff- they enjoyed the moments of fun and seemed to take in more of the main ideas from the video. And the reflection questions about community really challenged them. Thank you.

Kathleen Joblin
St. Thomas More School

Thanks so much for the link. I’ve watched the video and it is PERFECT for what we are doing at the staff meeting this afternoon. It is like we had it tailor made. I’m sure that the staff will be challenged and hopefully inspired by it. I’m off to buy a new journal today to keep the reflection sheets in.

Geraldine Goode
Holy Spirit School

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