Dealing With Difficult Students in a Catholic School

Dealing with difficult students is one of the most challenging aspects of being a Catholic teacher. In the vocation of Catholic education there will always be students who test us. In today’s episode I’m going to share some wisdom from 2500 years ago and how we can...

Help for Catholic teachers when things are difficult

All Catholic teachers face times of difficulty and hardship. There can be difficult students, problematic relationships with parents or challenges with leaders in the school. How can we provide help for Catholic teachers when things are hard. In today’s episode I want...

Serving God On A Daily Basis In Catholic Education

In today’s episode I want to share with you a brilliant quote from the great Charles Spurgeon. It’s a great reminder that all we need to focus upon is the grace that God gives us in the present moment. Serving God in Catholic Education is all about making the most of...

The Witness of The Catholic Teacher

In today’s episode I share a great quote from The Congregation For Catholic Education that helps us understand the incredible importance of our own relationship of intimacy with Jesus. We cannot give what we do not possess. As such, to provide a genuine witness as a...

Catholic Education And The Grace Of Baptism

In today’s message I want to make a link between a very well known gospel story and the power that every Catholic teacher can access. Catholic education and baptism have a powerful link and once we understand it we can begin to rely increasingly on the grace that can...