Seeing Positive Values In Students

How we see our students can shape so much of our effectiveness in the classroom. The Church documents on education offer a wealth of encouragement about how we can relate to our students in ways that open them to witness of our lives and the chance that they may...

The Reflective Catholic School

Should a Catholic school  be self-critical? What are the benchmarks that define how effective a Catholic school is in pursuing its mission? In this episode it’s time to explore the critical markers that allow for useful and transformative reflection. A great...

What A Catholic School Needs

One of the most common themes in all my work is helping teachers reflect upon the difference between a Catholic school and all other educational choices. In today’s episode it’s time to talk about something that a Catholic school needs to be doing on daily...

Ambition In A Catholic School

In a recent interview I was asked about the issue of defining success in A Catholic school and of wanting to be successful. This led to a discussion on the topic of ambition in a Catholic school. Should Catholic teachers and leaders be ambitious? In today’s...

Defining Success In A Catholic School

Last week I was invited to do a live Q and A for the NCEA 2020 Virtual Convention. During that interview I was asked a question about the quest for ‘success’ in  a Catholic school. For me, there were two core components here. In today’s episode let’s take...