Social Protests And The Catholic Teacher

In this episode we explore the way that significant aspects of modern social protest mirror the deep religious impulse central to all human lives. The difference for a Catholic teacher is that the religious impulse is ordered toward the Truth and not to any specific...

Growth Mindset For Catholic Teachers

In today’s episode we explore a great insight from Monsignor A.N. Gilbey and also how we can apply the concept of a growth mindset to ourselves as well as to our children. No matter how long we have been teaching there is always more that God has in store for...

Jean Baptiste Chautard And Saving Catholic Education

In today’s episode I share some powerful insights from Jean Baptiste Chautard who helps us to make the crucial connection between liturgy and the overall health and vitality of every Catholic school. If the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic...

Catholic Teachers And Student Technology Addiction

Do you ever feel some concern about the way that technology addiction has shaped the current generation of our students? In today’s episode we explore the insights of Neil Postman who realised almost 50 years ago that technology and media proposed significant...