You can never know when one good idea or a powerful story can shift your thinking in a whole new direction. Our blog articles aim to share the heartbeat of Catholic education from around the world. Got an article you want to write or share? Email me –
Catholic Education And The Grace Of Baptism
In today’s message I want to make a link between a very well known gospel story and the power that every Catholic teacher can access. Catholic...
The Catholic Teacher And Contemplative Prayer
In today’s episode I want to talk with you about a beautiful quote that helps us all realise how crucial it is for every Catholic teacher to find...
The Importance of Sacramental Renewal In Catholic Education
No Catholic school just magically transforms itself. Ultimately it’s about individual teachers cooperating with the presence and power of the Holy...
The Catholic Teacher And Intercessory Prayer
In today’s message I want to talk about the most powerful way we can manage the one or two students that we find it hardest to work with. There is...
Catholic Education – Professional Skills and The Holy Spirit
In today’s episode I share a great quote that reminds of the need to find balance between professional skills, programs and initiatives and...
Catholic Education And The Bible
One of the most crucial daily practices for any Catholic teacher is spending time in scripture. In every live staff seminar I do anywhere in the...
Loneliness and Student Wellbeing in a Catholic School
The irony of modern social media use for young people is that it promised vast new layers of connections yet loneliness and student wellbeing remain...
Does God Notice Me?
One of the best moments of my live seminars is when I share with Catholic teachers the idea of ‘God’s economy.’ It’s a really simple idea that...
The Holy Spirit And Catholic Education
I can’t believe that I spent so many years treating the Holy Spirit like a distant relative. In today’s podcast I want to share with you some of my...
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Each day you do remarkable work as a Catholic teacher transforming the lives of young people. This website exists to encourage and support the thousands of 'one Catholic teachers' who wonder if their work is making a difference. A great place to start is by checking out an episode of my daily podcast. Use the button below.
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One Catholic Teacher exists to inspire, encourage and support Catholic teachers around the world. Each day Jonathan Doyle offers a short dose of formation and encouragement via The Catholic Teacher Daily Podcast. Jonathan is also a global speaker and author on all issues related to Catholic Education.