You can never know when one good idea or a powerful story can shift your thinking in a whole new direction. Our blog articles aim to share the heartbeat of Catholic education from around the world. Got an article you want to write or share? Email me –
How The Incarnation Appears in Your Catholic Classroom
Earlier today I spent some time reading the collected works of the rather wonderful Catholic mystic, writer and poet, Caryll Houselander. In today’s...
Experiencing more of Advent in Catholic schools
Advent for Catholic schools is such a special time. Despite all the busyness of the end of the school year there is still so much opportunity to...
Creating a Catholic School Culture
Catholic school culture is a crucial aspect of what makes any school a snapshot of heaven or a picture of… well, you get the idea! In this episode I...
Daily Spirituality For Catholic Teachers
In today’s episode I share with you a powerful insight from Pope Benedict about how advent can be truly central to Catholic spirituality for...
Advent for Catholic Teachers And The Power of Silence
Today I want to share with you a beautiful quote from Frederick Beuchner. It’s a wonderful reminder of just how incredible this season of Advent...
Advent For Catholic Schools
In today’s episode I want to begin a series of short Advent reflections that I hope will be a blessing to you. In the busyness of school life and...
Dealing With Difficult Students in a Catholic School
Dealing with difficult students is one of the most challenging aspects of being a Catholic teacher. In the vocation of Catholic education there will...
Help for Catholic Teachers when things are difficult
All Catholic teachers face times of difficulty and hardship. There can be difficult students, problematic relationships with parents or challenges...
The Witness of The Catholic Teacher
In today’s episode I share a great quote from The Congregation For Catholic Education that helps us understand the incredible importance of our own...
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Each day you do remarkable work as a Catholic teacher transforming the lives of young people. This website exists to encourage and support the thousands of 'one Catholic teachers' who wonder if their work is making a difference. A great place to start is by checking out an episode of my daily podcast. Use the button below.
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One Catholic Teacher exists to inspire, encourage and support Catholic teachers around the world. Each day Jonathan Doyle offers a short dose of formation and encouragement via The Catholic Teacher Daily Podcast. Jonathan is also a global speaker and author on all issues related to Catholic Education.