You can never know when one good idea or a powerful story can shift your thinking in a whole new direction. Our blog articles aim to share the heartbeat of Catholic education from around the world. Got an article you want to write or share? Email me –
Should The Catholic Teacher Be Ambitious?
In today's episode I am responding to a question from a teacher in New Zealand about the frustrations of wanting to move into leadership but hitting...
Working For Jesus and Not For The Church
What should a Catholic teacher do when confronted with the failure of those in leadership? Many teachers can understandably grow cynical or...
Prayer As The Lifeblood of The Church and Catholic Education
What does it take to not just exist as a Catholic teacher but to experience the power and the presence of God on a daily basis. In today's message I...
Creating Well Disposed Hearts In A Catholic School
In today’s episode I share a simple but important quote from the General Directory fo Catechesis that helps us understand that so many of our...
How God Speaks To The Catholic Teacher
As Catholic teachers it can be easily to often feel as if God is distant and maybe even unaware of all the challenges we face each day. Do you ever...
Should Catholic Students Be Doing Eastern Style Meditation?
Many Catholic schools have a desire to help their students learn more about meditation and relaxation techniques. In a stressful and complex modern...
Catholic Teachers And Speaking The Truth
In today’s message I share a confronting quote that reminds every Catholic teacher about the need to be witnesses for truth against what Pope...
The Simple Act That Changes Everything
In today's episode I share an important quote from Cardinal Robert Sarah that simplifies the very essence of the Christian life. In an era of...
Why Every Catholic Teacher Needs To Surrender
If pure professionalism and more hard work were going to create the promised land of the teaching vocation then I can't help thinking that they...
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Each day you do remarkable work as a Catholic teacher transforming the lives of young people. This website exists to encourage and support the thousands of 'one Catholic teachers' who wonder if their work is making a difference. A great place to start is by checking out an episode of my daily podcast. Use the button below.
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One Catholic Teacher exists to inspire, encourage and support Catholic teachers around the world. Each day Jonathan Doyle offers a short dose of formation and encouragement via The Catholic Teacher Daily Podcast. Jonathan is also a global speaker and author on all issues related to Catholic Education.