You can never know when one good idea or a powerful story can shift your thinking in a whole new direction. Our blog articles aim to share the heartbeat of Catholic education from around the world. Got an article you want to write or share? Email me –
Catholic Teachers And Distance Learning
How much the world has changed in a few short days. The challenges of the corona virus have meant that so many of us as Catholic teachers and...
Is Jesus Sleeping Through The Storm of Corona Virus?
Is Jesus asleep as we all face the global coronavirus pandemic? Does God seem absent? We are all facing such trying times that it’s understandable...
The Preoccupation of Every Catholic Teacher
In today’s episode I share a great insight from the new book by Robert Cardinal Sarah. It’s a great reminder that no matter what we face there is...
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,...
Becoming A Saint During A Pandemic
In today’s episode I talk about the challenges of being a Catholic educator during the coronavirus outbreak and how we can still find holiness...
How Catholic Teachers Reawaken Faith
Today, I want to share with you an important quote from a key Church document. It reminds us all of the fact that most of our students will have...
The Catholic Teacher, Lent And Confession
Lent offers the Catholic teacher a wonderful chance to help young people more deeply encounter the merciful love of the Father. In today’s episode I...
The Catholic Teacher, Corona Virus and The Quest for Simplicity
In today's episode I put the Corona virus in context and also share a great quote from St. Therese of Lisieux. I don't know about you but often life...
Daily Guidance For The Catholic Teacher
In today's episode I want to share with you a very special quote from the wonderful St. Therese of Lisieux. Her words are a reminder for all of us...
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Each day you do remarkable work as a Catholic teacher transforming the lives of young people. This website exists to encourage and support the thousands of 'one Catholic teachers' who wonder if their work is making a difference. A great place to start is by checking out an episode of my daily podcast. Use the button below.
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One Catholic Teacher exists to inspire, encourage and support Catholic teachers around the world. Each day Jonathan Doyle offers a short dose of formation and encouragement via The Catholic Teacher Daily Podcast. Jonathan is also a global speaker and author on all issues related to Catholic Education.